888-716-0010 Called You?

Last Updated: Jun 01, 2022

This number belongs to Cavalry Portfolio Services, they’re likely calling to collect a debt

If they’re harassing you, they could be violating the FDCPA (you may be eligible for a settlement/compensation - at ZERO COST to you)

Call us today for your FREE case review!

How it works

  1. We review your case with you, for FREE
  2. If your constitutional rights have been violated (under the FDCPA or FCRA), we'll help you to get a settlement/compensation from Cavalry Portfolio Services
  3. They’ll stop harassing you, plus will have to pay you any awarded money (and your attorney fees). Meaning you never have to pay us a dime from your own pocket.

Who is 888-716-0010?

888-716-0010 belongs to Cavalry Portfolio Services. They’re a debt collector reporting a collection account on your credit report.

This can mean 2 things:

  1. They’ve purchased your debt from the original creditor (such as a credit card company), and they’re now calling you to collect that debt.
  2. They don’t own the debt themselves, but are being paid to collect on behalf of another company.

The worst part is you now have a collections account on your credit report, which will be hurting your score. It also lowers your chances of being approved for credit (at least with good interest rates).

How do we use the law to get 888-716-0010 to stop calling you?

We use the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), which is the primary federal law that governs debt collection practices. Its key purpose is to prohibit debt collectors from using abusive, unfair or deceptive practices in order to collect your debt.

Some common violations of the FDCPA are:

  • Called you about a debt you don’t owe (or that doesn’t belong to you)
  • Called you during work hours, after you told them you cannot receive calls during work
  • Left you a message without identifying themselves
  • Left you a message without disclosing they’re a debt collection company
  • Called 3rd parties (friends, family, coworkers, etc) even though they’ve got your contact information
  • Disclosed your debt to 3rd parties
  • Threatened you with legal action (generally a lawsuit or wage garnishment)
  • Called you before 8am or after 9pm
  • Contacted you after you filed for bankruptcy
  • Failed to mark your debt on your credit report as “disputed”, after you disputed the debt

Ready to get started?

If you’re a victim of credit reporting/background check errors, or debt collection harassment, it’s time to take a stand. Contact us today & reclaim your financial future.